Networking Documentation

Network Events

The following events may be generated by the networking system resolved

Emitted toward InjectionKey(NetworkConfig) when a is resolved. The target is the network config that has resolved;

param other_futures:

When both sides of a link are configured at the same time, the other side of the link cannot be resolved until its carthage.Machine is ready.In this case a future is recorded and included in the event.

This event is typically used to collect the set of futures for other_links. When all these futures are done, then all effects from resolution of the NetworkConfig have been realized.


Emitted toward InjectionKey(NetworkLink) and InjectionKey(NetworkLink, when some part of the system becomes aware of the public address of a link behind a NAT. A public_address property is set on the link’s merged_v4_config prior to emitting the event.